Friday, April 23, 2010

Jailbreak iPhone 3.1.3 Untethered with Thunderst0rm [Final Video]

Most of you must have heard about the thunderst0rm team who claims to have got an exploit+solution to jailbreak and unlock all device (iPhone, iPod and iPad) on iPhone 3.1.3 with 05.12.01 baseband. Today, they have posted a new video which shows the final test build in action. According to them, if everything goes fine, they will release the program Tomorrow.
compiling out final-test file :)
if everything works right with the devices we will release it tomorrow.
The reason why I didn’t post anything about thunderst0rm earlier was because it looked very fake, just like another team and their video posted here. But then I got lots of messages via email, twitter and facebook to confirm on whether this thing is the real deal or not. While I am not 100% sure, what I still believe is that thunderst0rm is fake. Though I would love to be proven wrong on this one by the thunderst0rm team.
Here is the video of the final test build in action.
For the “real” working tools to jailbreak all devices on iPhone 3.1.3, and iPad on iPhone 3.2, we will have to wait for the tools like greenp0ison, blackra1n for iPad, Spirit (the new userland untethered jailbreak) and PwnageTool which are expected to be released once iPad 3G hits the shelves later this month. Expect these mentioned tools to be out by either end of this month, or in the first half of May.

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